All about global payroll: October product updates

See what's new this month.

Oyster Product Updates: October 2024

Growing a global team can be stressful when managing multiple platforms, maintaining data in different places, and trying to keep up with regulatory changes. With our enhanced global payroll product, payroll nightmares won’t keep you up at night anymore!

Let’s dive in to our roundup for the month:

  • Run payroll in 24+ countries and simplify your global payroll setup
  • New changes alert from Oyster in your connected apps through our API 
  • Manage payroll changes from a single page

Consolidate your global payroll in 24+ countries with Oyster

Running payroll for a global team can feel overwhelming. Juggling multiple platforms, keeping up with regulations changes, and navigating manual processes.

With Oyster, there’s an easier way. We simplify global payroll so you can stay compliant and pay all your Team Members on time, regardless of where or how they are hired.

API expansion: Expenses and payroll changes

You can now receive alerts from Oyster in your connected apps whenever an expense is added or changes status. You can also reflect payroll changes from Oyster to your platform of choice to ensure payroll data consistency.

All payroll changes now in one view

We're excited to announce a new page that will make managing your team's payroll even easier: Payroll changes. In a single page, you can quickly view, filter, and search payroll changes for your team members.

So what else is new?

Batch payments for contractor invoices: Customers can now group contractor invoices in a single batch so they can pay multiple invoices at once.

Benefits in France: Did you know? In 2024, Team Members in France can get benefits from the newly elected Oyster employee representative body (called the Social and Economic Committee, aka “CSE” or “Works Council”) related to sports, wellness, culture, and travel. The France Works Council, as per local legal requirements, handles such benefits and initiatives independently from Oyster. The type and value of benefits offered by the Works Council to Team Members may vary from year to year (e.g., allowances, discounted prices, and more) and are at the sole discretion of the Works Council.

Want to see the new features in action? Log in to Oyster to try them out yourself!

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