How to work from anywhere

Working from anywhere is easier than ever before.

Woman working at a laptop smiling

With the help of modern tools and technology, working from anywhere is easier than ever before. Employees love this arrangement because it improves their work-life balance. They have greater control over how their day is structured and no longer have to deal with the stresses and lost time that come with commuting.

But what does work from anywhere mean? The phrase “work from anywhere” is exactly what it sounds like. Here’s how we define it at Oyster:

Work from anywhere (WFA) is a term that describes a remote work policy where workers are encouraged to work from anywhere in the world. Workers are given the flexibility and autonomy to choose where they work from and their employer provides them with the tools to stay connected with their colleagues remotely.

For some people, this means working from home most of the time. For others, it means traveling the world while working every step of the way. 

Interested in Oyster but want more information about how the platform works? This product overview should help.

Is it legal to work remotely from anywhere in the world?

As an employee, the prospect of working from anywhere is exciting. It gives you the flexibility to do what you want, when you want, as long as you maintain your work performance. 

Generally, it is legal to work from anywhere in the world. However, there are specific requirements to consider. For example, countries often have restrictions on the types of work activities allowed on tourist visas. Violating those guidelines can result in your visa being revoked, meaning you would need to leave the country. The good news is that we can help manage the complexities of cross-border employment.

If you’re thinking about working abroad, you need to be able to answer a few questions:

  • Are you familiar with local employment laws in the countries you want to visit?
  • Where and how will you pay taxes?
  • What type of visa do you need? 
  • How long can you stay in each country with your specific type of visa?

The answers to these questions will help you better formulate a plan for “staying legal” and choosing the best locations to call home. 

What equipment do you need to work from anywhere?

Before the ubiquity of the internet and teleconferencing, working from anywhere would have been a challenge. Fortunately, this is no longer the case. There are tools and equipment you can use to make this transition seamless and efficient. A laptop computer, quality keyboard, and headset are all most people need to get started.

Depending on your job responsibilities you may require additional equipment. Just remember to travel as lightly as possible, especially if you have plans to work from multiple locations. 

Employers generally set the rules for communicating via email, instant message, and video call. These platforms often have mobile apps that are great for communicating while you’re on the go. 

How to convince your employer to let you work from anywhere

In a perfect world, your employer would be open to the idea of you working remotely from anywhere. But that doesn’t always happen. It may take some convincing. Here are some tips to follow when you’re ready to have this conversation with your employer:

  • Ask for a trial run: Express your desire to work remotely, ask for a trial run with defined start and end dates, and then prove that you can maintain your performance and efficiency. 
  • Talk about the benefits: Employers need to be confident that their decisions make business sense. Remind them that remote work makes it possible for them to save on costs related to office space and supplies. 
  • Explain your approach: You’ve put a lot of time into thinking about remote work, but that doesn’t mean your employer has done the same. Explain why you want to work remotely, your goals, and the process you’ll follow.
  • Introduce them to Oyster: Our Global Employment Pass is full of the resources you need to upskill in remote work and empower your employer to to recruit global talent, like you! Find out more about our Global Employment Pass.

Other things to consider

It’s critical to prepare yourself for anything and everything that will come your way. Other points of consideration include:

Don’t lose sight of the fact that these details will vary from location to location. When you plan in advance for every scenario, nothing will catch you off guard. 

About Oyster

Oyster is a global employment platform designed to enable visionary HR leaders to find, engage, pay, manage, develop, and take care of a thriving distributed workforce. Oyster lets growing companies give valued international team members the experience they deserve, without the usual headaches and expense.

Oyster enables hiring anywhere in the world—with reliable, compliant payroll, and great local benefits and perks.

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