¿Cuál es el mayor desafío que enfrentan al gestionar un equipo global?

What is work from anywhere (WFA)?

Work from anywhere (WFA)

Work from anywhere (WFA) is a term that describes a remote work policy where workers are encouraged to work from anywhere in the world. Workers are given the flexibility and autonomy to choose where they work from and their employer provides them with the tools to stay connected with their colleagues remotely.

What’s the difference between WFA and remote work?

Remote work is a blanket term that covers many scenarios, for example, work from home policies and even hybrid work, where workers still visit the office occasionally. These types of remote work policies may also require workers to remain in the country where the company is established to avoid any legal complexities when it comes to payroll and tax.

WFA is on the more flexible end of the spectrum where companies give workers the freedom to choose where they work from and use global employment platforms, like Oyster, to navigate the complexities of having team members in foreign countries.

Find out more about how Oyster can help grow your team across borders and provide a true WFA policy.  

Disclaimer: This article and all information in it is provided for general informational purposes only. It does not and is not intended to, constitute legal or tax advice. You should consult with a qualified legal or tax professional for advice regarding any legal or tax matter and prior to acting (or refraining from acting) on the basis of any information provided on this website.

Acerca de Oyster

Oyster es una plataforma de empleo global diseñada para permitir a los líderes de RRHH visionarios encontrar, contratar, pagar, gestionar, desarrollar y cuidar de una fuerza laboral distribuida próspera. Oyster permite a las empresas en crecimiento ofrecer a los valiosos miembros del equipo internacional la experiencia que se merecen, sin los habituales dolores de cabeza y gastos.

Oyster permite contratar en cualquier parte del mundo, con una nómina fiable y conforme a la normativa, y con excelentes beneficios y ventajas locales.