Employee Cost Calculator | Oyster®

To use our employee cost calculator, simply tell us about your candidate and their location.

Accurate calculations in a matter of clicks

No matter where you want to hire, you can count on fast and accurate answers with Oyster's employee cost calculator.

Transparent cost breakdown

Get a line-by-line breakdown of the hiring costs with no hidden fees. Oyster's cost calculator gives you a quote you can count on.

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Reliable local knowledge

Christmas bonuses in Mexico? KiwiSaver contributions in New Zealand? Find out costs that are specific to each country.  

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What does global hiring mean?

Global hiring, or global employment, is the ability to hire, pay, and manage talent based in other countries. For example, if your business primarily operates in Canada, a global employment platform like Oyster would enable you to hire and pay contractors and full-time Team Members located in other parts of the world.

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What is an EOR?

An employer of record (EOR) is an entity that legally employs workers on behalf of another business. An EOR takes full responsibility for all aspects of employment, including compliance, payroll, taxes, and benefits. Oyster offers an EOR solution in 130+ countries powered by an automated global employment platform to streamline all employment functions.

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Is Oyster the legal employer of global Team Members?

For full-time Team Members, Oyster is the legal employer and is solely and exclusively responsible for their employment and engagement. Team Members employed by Oyster provide services to your organization as agreed upon in a Service Agreement.

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Employee Cost Calculator | Oyster®

To use our employee cost calculator, simply tell us about your candidate and their location.

General Disclaimer

"You understand and acknowledge that the tools and resources accessed on the OysterHR.com website, the Oyster Platform, Oyster Academy, and all other sites owned or operated by Oyster HR, Inc. (collectively, the “Site”) are provided as-is. These tools and resources are provided for general information only and are not intended to amount to advice on which You should or can rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from taking, any action on the basis of the content on Our Site.  Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our Site, we make no representations, warranties, or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on Our Site is accurate, complete, or up-to-date."

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Accurate calculations in a matter of clicks

No matter where you want to hire, you can count on fast and accurate answers with Oyster's employee cost calculator.

Transparent cost breakdown

Get a line-by-line breakdown of the hiring costs with no hidden fees. Oyster's cost calculator gives you a quote you can count on.

Reliable local knowledge

Christmas bonuses in Mexico? KiwiSaver contributions in New Zealand? Find out costs that are specific to each country.  

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